News and Media


Could you be a Boompreneur?

Studies in the United States have found that businesses founded by the over 50’s are twice as likely to succeed than those started by younger

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Less drift more direction

“Life without design is erratic…” Seneca The stoic Seneca lived two thousand years before the idea of retirement was conceived. His words addressed everyday life

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Altered states

The subject line might conjure up images of a 40-year-old horror movie, however that is not what I am writing about. The term could be

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Getting your MEDS

Whilst retirement and later life will mean different things for each of us there is likely one common denominator, a desire to enjoy life as

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Retirement is Obsolete

Or it soon will be. Retirement as we have come to understand it was conceived to solve a work problem. Too many oldpeople working and

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Do you have them?

Goal setting can be an emotive subject, the topic often being associated with successful people orused by those working in the personal improvement world. Wherever

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Managing Cash

The rate of inflation seems to be slowing, which is of course great news, however this does not mean we have suddenly turned a corner

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Filling the Void

For decades retirement was something people looked forward to, relished even. Perhaps many still do, for those that do, what is the real reason of

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January 2023

It is over 20 years since I began to see a trend among my financial planning clients, although small to begin with as time passed

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December 2022

According to data released in September 2021 by the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) life expectancy may be going into reverse. Some experts have

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Talking of Money

Most of the work we do is focussed on people and not on money or financial aspects of retiring or planning to retire. In part

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Mind over matter

As we think about later life we often find the subject daunting, frightening even. It need not be so. Much of our fear is derived

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Bliss White Paper

The Problem: Managing a post-pandemic workforce 70% of employees surveyed find work a chore, nearly 60% have no clue what their retirement income might look

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Article – Finance Digest

In this article in Finance Digest, Michael Middleton provides some tips for ensuring a happy life in later years and why companies need to rethink

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Article – FT Adviser

The concept of retirement dates back to 19th Century Germany, when it was conceived as a response to youth unemployment. Depressingly, thinking around the subject

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Article – HR Director

In this article in the HR Director, Pro-vision Lifestyles Founder Michael Middleton, discusses how a less one-dimensional approach to retirement is needed. People need to

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Article – Training Journal

A controversial idea, but one more popular than you might think. Michael Middleton takes aim at retirement and asks why companies need to ‘retire retirement’

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Don’t Retire, Rejuvinate!

In this episode Beyond R Managing Director Michael Middleton talks with Chartered Psychologist Dr Jo Perkins about the concept of retirement. All Dr Jo Perkins’

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Coping with Transition

In this episode Beyond R Managing Director Michael Middleton talks with eminent Psychologist Nancy Schlossberg about how we can cope with transition and in particular

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A Matter of Time

It’s a fact that we’re all too aware of. All of the money in the world won’t buy the most crucial resource of all: time.

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A Bucket List?

Why people want to associate their dreams and aspirations with a film about the lives of two terminally ill cancer patients is beyond us. Yet

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Fire Your Imagination

It would be easy to think a service like ours can provide a silver bullet solution for your future. It doesn’t. What we do is

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The Retirement Myth

There are myths a plenty in the world, some date back many thousands of years and certainly as a children they make excellent reading. Among

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Run From or Arrive?

Common among causes of retirement are a desire to escape, to run away from a job someone hates or an aspect of it, for example

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And get a special waitlist-only discount while you’re at it!

The Retirement Redefined program is the result of my decades spent helping clients ditch the notion of “traditional” retirement and redefine it for themselves on their terms – not on terms they were given by the state, their employer, or society. Because despite what we’ve all had drilled into our heads since childhood, you don’t need to do a classic “work hard, then stop” retirement just because that’s what everyone expects you to do.

Whether that means learning new skills, starting your own business, easing into part-time work, or rebuilding passions that may have slipped by during your professional life, I’m here to help you find out through my signature process.

So you can redefine and reimagine what this next stage will look like for you. And then walk away with an exciting, practical, and rewarding plan.

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And get a special waitlist-only discount while you’re at it!

The Retirement Redefined program is the result of my decades spent helping clients ditch the notion of “traditional” retirement and redefine it for themselves on their terms – not on terms they were given by the state, their employer, or society. Because despite what we’ve all had drilled into our heads since childhood, you don’t need to do a classic “work hard, then stop” retirement just because that’s what everyone expects you to do.

Whether that means learning new skills, starting your own business, easing into part-time work, or rebuilding passions that may have slipped by during your professional life, I’m here to help you find out through my signature process.

So you can redefine and reimagine what this next stage will look like for you. And then walk away with an exciting, practical, and rewarding plan.

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Contact us

Talk to one of our Retirement Specialists

We are here to help and answer any question you may have.

Please enter your details below and we will be in touch.

And get a special waitlist-only discount while you’re at it!

The Retirement Redefined program is the result of my decades spent helping clients ditch the notion of “traditional” retirement and redefine it for themselves on their terms – not on terms they were given by the state, their employer, or society. Because despite what we’ve all had drilled into our heads since childhood, you don’t need to do a classic “work hard, then stop” retirement just because that’s what everyone expects you to do.

Whether that means learning new skills, starting your own business, easing into part-time work, or rebuilding passions that may have slipped by during your professional life, I’m here to help you find out through my signature process.

So you can redefine and reimagine what this next stage will look like for you. And then walk away with an exciting, practical, and rewarding plan.