Cost of living crisis is dominating the headlines

Higher Energy bills, Private Housing Rentals up 14%, Rising Cost of Food and Petrol prices hitting record highs!

Many Employees are stressed with financial worries, so Employers are being challenged with these questions

  • How to retain key staff without offering large pay rises?
  • How they can help support their employees deal with the Cost-of-Living Crisis
  • How to avoid staff going off sick with stress caused by the Cost-of-Living Crisis
  • What employee benefits can you offer to stop employees leaving for an extra few pounds per week?

Bliss helps people find true purpose, plan their lifestyle, find happiness & enjoyment in doing things that don’t always cost a fortune. There is also a financial planning tool that allows people to understand their current financial situation also demonstrating how a few small changes in household budgeting can help improve their financial outlook.

Giving Employees access to educational tools will enable them to deal with their own unique situation and in turn improve Employee Engagement and Staff retention.