Category: Blog


Could you be a Boompreneur?

Studies in the United States have found that businesses founded by the over 50’s are twice as likely to succeed than those started by younger

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Less drift more direction

“Life without design is erratic…” Seneca The stoic Seneca lived two thousand years before the idea of retirement was conceived. His words addressed everyday life

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Altered states

The subject line might conjure up images of a 40-year-old horror movie, however that is not what I am writing about. The term could be

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Getting your MEDS

Whilst retirement and later life will mean different things for each of us there is likely one common denominator, a desire to enjoy life as

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Retirement is Obsolete

Or it soon will be. Retirement as we have come to understand it was conceived to solve a work problem. Too many oldpeople working and

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Do you have them?

Goal setting can be an emotive subject, the topic often being associated with successful people orused by those working in the personal improvement world. Wherever

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Managing Cash

The rate of inflation seems to be slowing, which is of course great news, however this does not mean we have suddenly turned a corner

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