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Helping you
your retirement
Because there's more to it than
“you work hard, then you stop.”
Retirement is the first time since childhood that we have the power to decide what we want to do with our lives.
So why is it a time that somany of us look to with dread?
- With the chance of suffering from clinical depression skyrocketing up to 40% for recent retirees…
- Studies showing that it can take us up to 15 years to reorient ourselves after we’ve left our full-time careers…
- And with more clients than I can count reporting feeling totally lost or purposeless when it comes to their next steps…
It’s clear that retirement as we define it today is not working and that’s why I’m here to help.
Introducing Mike
I’m a financial-advisor-turned-retirement coach who believes there is a deep flaw in how we approach retirement today. (And that it may be time to do away with it altogether.)
That’s why I’ve spent the last 30 years putting together a 4-step “Redefining Retirement” process that has helped thousands of people of all ages (recent retirees, soon-to-be retirees, even far-from retirees!) ditch the notion of “traditional” retirement and redefine it for themselves on their terms – not on terms they were given by the state, their employer, or society.

No more "traditional" retirements
Redefine what retirement means to you (and not just on what the state or your employer says it should be).
Redefine what retirement means to Despite what we’ve all had drilled into our heads since childhood, you don’t need to do a classic “work hard, then stop” retirement just because that’s what everyone expects you to do. Whether that means learning new skills, starting your own business, easing into part-time work, or rebuilding passions that may have slipped by during your professional life, I’m here to help you find out.
Retirement planning beyond the money
Go beyond asking yourself if you “have enough” to retire. Start asking what you really want that “enough” to cover.
While money (how much to save, how to save, where to save) has long been the primary focus of retirement planning, the key to a healthy, fulfilling retirement is about more than the money. It’s about deciding what that money is for. Through my courses, coaching, books, and workshops, that’s just what you’ll be able to figure out.
A future you’re excited for
Start thinking and considering your options today to guarantee a fulfilling life beyond the traditional workplace.
Life after our full-time careers has a lot to offer. But just hoping and praying it will work out after you step away from work is a recipe for disaster. Through my signature process, I’ll help you redefine and reimagine what this next stage will look like for you. And make sure you walk away with an exciting, practical, and rewarding plan.
Here are a few of the ways I can help you start redefining your retirement.
The Retirement Redefined Live Coaching Program
My upcoming course & live coaching program for individuals and couples seeking a fulfilling, purposeful retirement of their own definition.
The Retirement Redefined Corporate Workshops
My corporate keynote, given live with supporting materials, for companies wanting to better support their employees and help them make the most of their later years.
Get the bookDon't retire,Rejuvenate
Don’t Retire, Rejuvenate explains why we should rethink retirement and how we can develop a more fulfilling, enjoyable, and balanced future for ourselves by Author and financial planning expert Michael Middleton.