Could you be a Boompreneur?

Studies in the United States have found that businesses founded by the over 50’s are twice as likely to succeed than those started by younger people. The story is similar in the UK where for example more than 50% of the self employed are over the age of 50 and a handful of years a […]

Less drift more direction

“Life without design is erratic…” Seneca The stoic Seneca lived two thousand years before the idea of retirement was conceived. His words addressed everyday life and were intended to establish in the mind of his readers just how crucial planning is to obtain the best value from life. You will be aware of the crucial […]

Coping with the unexpected

A question I have rarely asked any of our community is how they would cope with a significant but unexpected event I their lives? Whether we like it or not, and mostly we don’t, life will throw curve balls at us. In and of themselves these storms in our lives are not the most important […]

Altered states

The subject line might conjure up images of a 40-year-old horror movie, however that is not what I am writing about. The term could be applied to your mind state whenever you go through one of life’s transitions or you experience something such as a divorce or bereavement. Retirement can be equally disconcerting, especially if […]

Getting your MEDS

Whilst retirement and later life will mean different things for each of us there is likely one common denominator, a desire to enjoy life as much as we can on any given day. Of course, life will continue to have its ups and downs just as sure as the sun continues to rise and set. […]

Retirement is Obsolete

Or it soon will be. Retirement as we have come to understand it was conceived to solve a work problem. Too many oldpeople working and too many unemployed young men. The time was 1889. Think about the date for a moment, we are following an idea that is largely unchanged since itsconception nearly 134 years […]

Do you have them?

Goal setting can be an emotive subject, the topic often being associated with successful people orused by those working in the personal improvement world. Wherever you stand on the subject it is simply the case that humans are goal setting beings. Youmight not immediately recognise that you set goals every day, especially if your concept […]

Managing Cash

The rate of inflation seems to be slowing, which is of course great news, however this does not mean we have suddenly turned a corner on price rises, it merely means the rate at which prices increase is not as steep. Prices are still rising, and inflation has historically taken a long time to tame, […]

What did you want to be when you grew up?

One of the exercises in our workshops is called Childhood Revisited and we developed it to help attendees think about what they might like to do with their lives after full time work. The exercise has helped a lot of people, in part because as we age we tend to become less creative, or even our creativity ceases altogether. […]

There are two retirement portfolios…

When you plan for your retirement is a very likely that most of your thinking is focussed on your financial portfolio. How is it invested? Is there enough? And probably more questions besides. What you may not have given much thought to is your psychological portfolio. In her book Too Young to be Old Professor Nancy K Schlossberg […]